Marjoribanks Journal
Number 3
-- June, 1995
In This
Did you ever look at the heraldic badge on the cover of The
Journal and wonder
where it came from? If you did, than this little article may satisfy
some of your curiosity and, I hope, whet your appetite for more
knowledge about that bright, colourful and fascinating subject --
The badge on the Journal cover
is the strap-and buckle badge that may be worn by all who profess
allegiance to the Chief of Marjoribanks and wish to demonstrate their
association with the Family.
The strap-and-buckle badge
It consists of the chiefs crest, a demi-griffin issuing from a
crest-coronet of four strawberry leaves (three visible) and surrounded
by a buckled strap on which appears the chiefs motto "Et
Custos et Pugnax" (both guardian and warrior.) The griffin is a
mythical beast with the forequarters of an eagle and the hindquarters
of a lion -- a heraldic representation of ecclesiastical and civil
authority conjoined, according to Alexander Nesbit in his influential
1722 book "A System of Heraldry." (1), in which he also
describes the griffin as a combination of wisdom and
Very few Scottish families bear the griffin in their heraldic
achievement. One other is the Forsyths, formerly lords of Torthorwald,
who at one time in the early 15th century may have been connected with
the Marjoribankses in Annandale. The use of the griffin by the
Marjoribankses was remarkably prophetic in that, in the 18th and 19th
centuries, most of the chiefs of the family were either Writers to the
Signet (lawyers) or Ministers of the Kirk, a fact which was celebrated
much later when the chief was granted supporters to his coat of arms
(but more of that anon.) The crest-coronet of strawberry leaves is
there because this is the crest of a Chief of Name and Arms. Peers of
the realm have their own special coronets, but most of us have to be
satisfied with a simple wreath of twisted cloth in the two main colours
of our coat of arms (a wreath of the liveries.)
The buckled strap with motto identifies this as a "clansmans badge" for
use by everyone in the Family as a cap badge or brooch, but not for use
on such things as personal stationary or silver. The reason for
this restrictiveness is that the crest and motto are part of
the full heraldic achievement of the chief and, under Scots Law, are
his personal property. Whats more, any items marked with them or any
other part of his full achievement (which consists of coat of arms,
helmet, crest, motto and supporters) are also regarded as the chiefs
personal property.
Scotland has one of the best-ordered systems of heraldry in the world,
which is one of the reasons why it is so vibrant today. The beauty of
the system is that reputable persons of Scottish connection (regardless
of nationality) can register their own heraldic achievement. This is
then their personal property, protected by law, which will pass to
their heirs in perpetuity. As the purpose of heraldry is to identify,
it can achieve its objective only if a heraldic achievement is unique
to an individual. It is also greatly helped if related individuals have
visually related heraldry. The Scottish system as we know it today,
which satisfies both these criteria, was introduced in 1 673 with the
opening of the "Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland"
maintained by the Lord Lyon King of Arms in New Register House in
Edinburgh (the"Lyon Register") in order to bring clarity and order to a
situation which had become confused by the inappropriate use of
heraldry. Quite a number of Marjoribankses over the years have taken
advantage of the law and registered arms in Lyon Register. The first
two to do so were Thomas Marjoribanks of Balbardie and Joseph
Marjoribanks of Leuchie, both in the first volume of the register in
Balbardie registered "argent a mullet gules on a chief sable a cushion
or" and was described in the register as "Representer of Marjoribanks
of that Ilk." Our present chief is his six-greats grandson. Leuchie
registered "argent on a chief gules a cushion between two spurrowels of
the first."
Heraldry has developed a
marvellous shorthand for use is describing coats of arms and other
heraldic devices and a word of explanation of some of the terms used
might be useful at this stage. Like any jargon, it is unintelligible to
the uninitiated. Once you get to know it, it allows you to describe
even complicated arms relatively briefly. Let me illustrate with the
two Marjoribanks coats blazoned above. The blazon is the written
description of the arms. When they are drawn out, they are said to have
been emblazoned.
The first word of the
blazon is
always the basic colour of the shield. "Argent" means that the shield
is silver, normally represented as white.
The second phrase
describes the
main "charge" on the shield. In Leuchies case, there is no charge, but
Balbardie has a "mullet gules." A mullet is a five-pointed star which
some authorities (2) say
is the same as "spur-rowel" in which case it can be drawn with a hole
in the middle. Gules, or red, is the colour of the star. The word
"chief" in the jargon denotes the top one-third of the shield, so the
phrase in Balbardies blazon "on a chief sable a cushion or" means that
the top third of the shield is sable, or black and on it there is a
cushion. The word "or" tells us that it is a golden cushion, normally
represented as yellow. Leuchie also has a chief, in his case gules or
red and on it a cushion between two spur-rowels. The colour of the
cushion and its attendant spur-rowels is given to us in the words "of
the first" which means that they are the same colour as the first
colour colour mentioned in the blazon, argent or silver, represented as
To remind you of the
effectiveness of the jargon once you know it, let me try to render
Balbardies blazon in eleven words in laymans English: "The shield is
divided into two parts horizontally by a line twice as far from the
lower margin of the shield as from the upper. The lower part is white
with a red five-pointed star on it and the upper part is black with a
yellow cushion on it." I make that fifty words. Even on this old and
therefore simple coat of arms the jargon makes a huge difference.
Imagine trying to describe the coat of arms of Canada, Australia or,
say, the State of Maryland, without using the jargon. It would take
several pages.
One interesting thing to
about the Balbardie and Leuchie coats of arms is how closely they are
related. They contain the same elements, a chief, a cushion and a
mullet or spur-rowels, but ordered in a different way. This is no
accident as it conforms to the established principle of differencing
whereby two branches of the same family can show with pride both their
common heritage and their separate identity. Common heritage can be
adduced through heraldry, as in the example of the Forsyths of
Torthorwald sharing a demi-griffin crest with the Marjoribankses of
Sir George Mackenzie of
Rosehaugh in his authoritative work, "The Science of
Heraldry," (3) states on page 2 " . .
. and the name of Marjoribanks bear the cushion to show that
they were Johnstones originally." Nisbet (1) states
on page 421 that "the name of Marjoribanks is said to be descended from
the Johnstons" and that "cushions are looked upon as marks of authority
and have been carried as armorial figures by ancient families abroad,
and with us, as by the Randolphs, Earls of Moray and by the
name of Johnston." Nisbet on page 143 describes the arms of Johnston of
that Ilk, Marquis of Annandale, as " 'argent a
saltire sable on a chief gules three cushions or as descended of the
Tribus Alani, of which that noble patriot, Thomas Randolph was chief."
The arms of that Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray, Lord of Annandale and
Lord of Man in the reign of his cousin Robert II (1371-1390) were "or
three cushions gules within a double tressure flory counter flory of
the second." (Ibid vol.2, p.69.)
[In the illustrations
above, colours are indicated according to the
"engravers convention":
Argent (Silver/white) Blank
Or (Gold/yellow) Dotted
Gules (Red) Vertical lines
Azure (Blue) Horizontal
Sable (Black) Cross
hatched ]
Nisbet tells us that three
other Scots families bear or bore the cushion. Kirkpatrick of
Closeburn, whose arms are "argent a saltire and chief azure the latter
charged with three cushions or" bear as their crest a dagger and as
their motto "I mak sikker" ("I make sure") in memory of their ancestor
Roger who, in the tumultuous times at the start of Robert the Bruces
reign, murdered Bruces rival, Red John Comyn, in the church at Dumfries
with several stabs of the dagger.
Lundie of that Ilk
bore 'paly of six argent and gules overall on a bend azure three
cushions or." In the 17th century Lundie was allowed to adopt "the arms
of Scotland within a bordure gobonated argent and azure" in recognition
of their descent from a natural son of King William the Lion
Brisbane of Bishopton, "an
ancient and principal family of the name," bear "sable a chevron
chequey or and gules between three cushions of the second." Its worth
noting that four of these ancient families have golden cushions. It is
an armorial figure of which the family can be proud.
Before the Lyon Register opened
in 1673 there are several interesting records of Marjoribanks arms.
No. 1 .Mr. Workmans Manuscript
of 1565/66, stored in the Lyon Office, records the arms of Marjoribanks
as "argent a mullet gules on a chief of the second a cushion of the
first." These are the first recorded arms yet discovered.
Mr. Point's manuscript of 1624,
also held in the
Lyon Office, contains three Marjoribanks blazons.
No. 2. Marjoribanks of Ratho
is given as "argent on fess gules three cushions of the
first between a mullet and a cushion of the second."
Two other Marjoribanks blazons are given without
terretorial designation:
No, 3. "Argent on a chief gules
a cushion between two spur-rowels of the first
(Later registered in Lyon Register as Marjoribanks of Leuchie).

No. 4. "Argent on a fess gules
three cushions of the first between as many mullets of the
No. 5. Dated 1628, four years
after Ponts MS, an emblazoning (portfolio of drawings) of Gentlemens
Arms, kept in the Lyon Office, shows Marjoribanks as "argent a mullet
gules on a chief sable a cushion or." (Later registered in Lyon
Register as Marjoribanks of Balbardie.)
No. 6. A printing by Stoddart
in the 1880s of a Register of Gentlemens Arms in the reign of Charles
II (1660-1685) blazons for Marjoribanks of Ratho "argent on a fess
between a mullet in chief and a cushion in base gules three cushions of
the first." (In effect, the same blazon as No. 2.)
The interesting thing for the
family about this proliferation of Marjoribanks arms in the 16th and
17th centuries is to relate it to branches of the family that we know
about from other sources. Coat No. 1. is most likely to be the arms of
Robert Marjoribanks of that Ilk, head of the family in the mid-l6th
century. By the early 17th century, four coats of arms were in use: No.
2. (Ratho); No. 3. (Leuchie); No. 4. (no known territorial
designation); and No.5. (Balbardie.) Fifty years later, Leuchie and
Balbardie registered their arms in the new Lyon Register.
We know that John, the
Marjoribanks laird of Balbardie, was the son of Thomas, last
Marjoribanks laird of Ratho, so why did he give up the Ratho
coat of arms? I feel the answer lies in the description in Lyon
Register of Balbardie as "Representer of Marjoribanks of that Ilk." The
coat of arms adopted by Balbardie is the same as the mid-16th-century
coat (No. 1.) except that the tinctures (colours) have been changed to
reflect more closely the arms of Johnston of that Ilk. Roberts line
appears to have died out and the arms of the chief, augmented by the
more historic colours, were claimed by the next senior branch,
Three hundred years later,
in a
splendid 1962 Lyon Court judgment delivered by Lord Lyon Sir Thomas
Innes of Learney in full heraldic regalia, Balbardies seniority was
confirmed when our late chief, William Marjoribanks of that Ilk, was
acknowledged as Chief of the Name and Arms of Marjoribanks and the
undifferenced Balbardie arms were re-registered in his
name. (4) In an unusual postscript to that event our
chief in 1978 was granted by the Lord Lyon the right to supporters for
his coat of arms in recognition of the considerable stature of the
family. The supporters granted were a man garbed in the robes of a
Doctor of Divinity in the Church of Scotland in the 19th century and a
man garbed in the robes of a Writer to the Signet in the 18th century,
in recognition of the two callings followed by many of the Chiefs of
The descendants of Joseph
Marjoribanks of Leuchie have not been armorially idle either. Josephs
great-nephew Edward Marjoribanks, a wine merchant in Bordeaux who had
inherited the estate of Lees from his second cousin, re-registered the
arms in his own name as Marjoribanks of
Lees in the 1780s. The senior
line of his decendants ended with Sir William Marjoribanks,
fourth baronet of Lees, in 1888. However, one of Edwards younger sons,
another Edward, was a successful banker in London. The youngest of his
three sons, Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, registered a differences
version of the arms of Marjoribanks of Lees in his own name.

He was later elevated to the
peerage as Lord Tweedmouth. Lord Tweedmouths differences were "an
inescutcheon argent charged with a hand gules" (as a
baronet the addition of supporters
and a baronets coronet of
six silver balls visible
Lord Tweedmouth's line died out
with the death of his grandson, Dudley Churchill Marjoribanks, third
Lord Tweedmouth. John S.L. Marjoribanks, great-great-grandson of the
Edward Marjoribanks of Lees who had registered arms in the 1 780s,
would now be able to register those undifferenced arms of the 1 8th
century in his own name, if he so wished. And any of his relatives
bearing the name Marjoribanks, such as the Family Genealogist, Roger
Marjoribanks of Guildford, Surrey, could register their own arms with a
difference to show their relationship to the holder of the
undifferenced arms of Marjoribanks of Lees. As an example of this, the
writer, as a younger son of of the then chief, in 1 965 registered his
own arms, Marjoribanks of that Ilk differenced to show his place in the
family as a younger son or cadet branch by the addition of a "bordure
of gules."
This brings me full circle
the point made at the beginning that heraldic achievement is the
personal property of the individual in whose name it is registered in
the Lyon Register. It may not be used in any form by anyone else, with
three exceptions: it may be used by clansmen and women in the
strap-and-buckle badge (although even this is objected to by some
authorities (5); it may be used by his spouse and
minor children; and it may be used if so warranted (By Appointment to .
. . ) But everyone of good standing is encouraged to register their own
arms in Lyon Register and then those arms become their personal
property, fully protected by the laws of Scotland. So lets see a few
more Marjoribanks arms registered, especially by bearers of the name in
North America and Australasia. What better way of demonstrating your
loyalty to the family than by registering your very own coat of arms?
And why dont we consider
idea of registering a "corporate" coat of arms for The Marjoribanks
Family as a clan society? (5) Then we could have a
full-colour heraldic achievement at the masthead of The
Marjoribanks Letterinstead
just a strap-and-buckle badge. Whats more, all members of the Family
could use the societys coat of arms on their own stationery if they
wished, whether their name was Marjoribanks or not.
Management Centre
Box 20 Mhlume. Swaziland
any readers of this article would like to find out more about the
glories and the fascination of Heraldry, I would be delighted to hear
from them.)
(1) Nesbit, Alexander; A
of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical: with the True Art of Blazon,
According to the Most Approved Heralds in Europe; New Edition;
T&A Constable, Edinburgh, reprinted 1984.
(2) Barden Patrick; The
and Related charges; Double Tressure, Journal of the Heraldry Society
of Scotland No. 15, 1993; ISSN 0141-237X.
(3) Mackenzie of
Rosehaugh, Sir
George; The Science of Heraldry; Edinburgh. 1 680.
(4) Anon. (Own Reporter);
court Shows Its colours; The Scotsman; Edinburgh, 1 5 September 1962.
(5) Barden Patrick; The
Abuse and non-Use of Heraldry in Scotland (St. Andrew Lecture, 1992);
Double Tressure, Journal of the Heraldry Society of Scotland No. 15,
1993; ISSN 0141-237X.
(a) Innes of Learney, Sir
Thomas, Lord Lyon King of Arms; Scots Heraldry. Second Edition; Oliver
and Boyd; Edinburgh, 1956.
(b) All Issues of the
Tressure; Journal of the Heraldry Society of Scotland, a subscription
to which may be had through the Membership Secretary, 25 Craigentinny
Crescent, Edinburgh EH7 6QA.
of the family which
eventually came to be known as Marjoribanks of Lees was Joseph, a wine
and fish merchant of Edinburgh and the owner of a fine mansion at
Preston, a few miles east of the city.1 He is thought to have
been a grandson of Thomas Marjoribanks of Ratho, the Lord Advocate in
Queen Marys reign, and thus first cousin of the second Thomas of Ratho,
ancestor of the line of Marjoribanks of that Ilk.
generations this
family thrived as merchants, bankers and landowners in and around
Edinburgh. Their tendency to specialize in banking was just as
noticeable as the preference of the Ratho/Balbardie branch for the law.
During the 18th century, for instance, no fewer than five of them
became Deputy Governor of the Bank of Scotland (out of a total of only
seventeen names) while a sixth became City Treasurer of
died in 1635, had
three sons. The eldest, Joseph, died without children and his brother
Andrew had two sons, both of whom also died without children. His
second son, John, was evidently extremely prosperous, acquired the
estate of Leuchie and matriculated arms in that name and died
in 1659.(See "Heraldry and the Marjoribanks Family" in this issue)
had six
Joseph, the
eldest, inherited
Leuchie but died along with his only son in the ill-fated Darien
Expedition of 1698 which attempted to found a Scottish trading
establishment on the Isthmus of Darien near Panama. Leuchie then passed
to a younger brother, John.
Andrew was
a merchant in the
Baltic trade, based at Danzig, now Gdansk. (An account of the funeral
expenses of Andrews daughter Margaret has survived. It amounts to
almost £2,000, a substantial sum in the currency of the day,
and throws interesting light on Scottish customs of that time.)
Edward, the
City Treasurer of
Edinburgh, bought an estate called Hallyards, at Kirkliston, a few
miles from Edinburgh.
(1658-1750) in 1707
bought an estate just outside Coldstream in Berwickshire called Lees
with which his branch of the family was subsequently
Robert (b.
1652) and his
brothers, John, Edward and James, served at various times as Deputy
Governor of the Bank of Scotland.
certainly a break with
tradition for James to move so far away from Edinburgh where all the
family business was, yet there already were Marjoribankses moving from
Edinburgh to the Borders.(See The
Marjoribanks Journal No.2,
'The Family in Eccles." )
generation following
James and his brothers, only two are of any great interest. General
Alexander Marjoribanks of Carlowrie who served the Dutch as
commander of the Scotch brigade, and his younger brother Edward who was
a confirmed Jacobite and served The Old Pretender (James Ill) as
secretary and intelligence officer in Cadiz. The rest of the family
seem to have been staunch supporters of the Hanoverian monarchy but it
is unfortunate that we have so little information about family
attitudes either to the civil wars of the 17th century or the Jacobite
risings of the 18th century.
is a
curious fact that the
fourteen males of this generation left only two male offspring: Edward
(1738-1815) and John (1748-1766), grandsons of Edward of
John took
up a career with
the East India Company and died at the age of 18 in India, beginning
the long connection of all branches of the family with the Far
Edward, who
was suspected of
having Jacobite connections, was by profession a wine merchant,
practising at Bordeaux. A surprising turn of events brought him back to
Scotland. His great uncle Jamess line had failed and the provisions of
an entail left him as the only qualified survivor. He hurried back to
claim his inheritance and settled down to the life of a country
gentleman, rematriculating the family arms as Marjoribanks of
is the
first of the
family of whom we have any personal description. He was, says his
grandson Charles, stately and most companionabl e, quite the
picture of an old gentleman of most agreeable manners though with
little education. He was a martyr to gout (and therefore abstemious)
but with a violent and excitable temper, amounting almost to madness at
times, so that he had to be physically restrained. Through his wife,
Grizzel Stewart, he was connected with the Coutts banking family and he
conducted much friendly correspondence with Thomas Coutts, the true
founder of the modern Coutts Bank. This friendship was inherited, much
to their advantage, by his five sons who form perhaps the most
brilliant group ever to grace the Marjoribanks name.
John (later
Sir John), the
eldest, became a baronet, a Member of Parliament, Lord Provost of
Edinburgh and Deputy (to George IV) Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of
Freemasons of Scotland.
joined the East
India Company, rose to become a director, and was twice elected
chairman of the company. In manner he was grave, at times harsh. One
has the impression of a very able but pompous personality.
Stewart, a
shipping magnate,
was more genial and became the Member of Parliament for Hythe, an
appropriate constituency for someone in his business since it is one of
the historic Cinque Ports. Marjoribanks Street in Wellington, New
Zealand, is named for him and his vessels brought many of the original
settlers. Stewart and his brother Campbell lived together at
Bushey Hall in Hertfordshire. When Campbell died Stewart married the
widowed Lady Rendlesham but they had no children.
became a senior
partner in Coutts Bank.
owing to Thomas Coutts
good offices, went into the Bengal Civil Service and rose to a
judgeship there. He had an illegitimate son, also named James, who
returned to England after his fathers death, married and had children,
although it has not been possible so far to trace any
Sir Johns
Edward, the
eldest, also went
into the East India Company, a post for which his brother Charles said
he was quite unfitted. He got into debt, was sacked, and died in India
at the age of 42.
William was
employed by
Thomas Coutts in his shipping line and rose to be captain of a
merchantman before inheriting Lees and the baronetcy in 1833. His two
sons inherited the baronetcy in succession and are still remembered for
benefactions to Coldstream but neither had any children and the
baronetcy became extinct in 1888.
also obtained a place
in the East India Company, based initially in Macao. He became
president of the China Committee of the company and later the Liberal
Member of Parliament for Berwickshire, but he died in 1833, aged only
David went
into the
stock-broking firs on Antrobus, another Coutts
connection, and eventually became a Member of Parliament in Charles old
constituency. He changed his name to Robertson when he married, in
order to inherit his father-in-laws money and property. When he was
offered a peerage, however, he recovered the family name by choosing
the title Lord Marjoribanks. Within a week he was knocked over by a
horse-drawn bus while crossing the road outside his Newcastle club and
the title became extinct in record time since his sons had predeceased
him. He is buried at Ladykirk though the family mausoleum, as one would
expect, is at Coldstream, a few miles away.
of those
Marjoribankses of
the Lees line who survive today (with the possible exception of the
putative descendants of James) derive from Sir Johns brother Edward,
the partner in Coutts Bank.
His eldest
son Coutts
Marjoribanks died in 1829, aged only 20.
inherited a
partnership in the bank but, alas, crashed in financial ruin.
Coutts Marjoribanks,
though denied the partnership in the bank which he demanded, enriched
himself through the acquisition of Meux Brewery. He too became a Member
of Parliament, was raised to a baronetcy and then to the peerage as
Lord Tweedmouth. He died full of honours and immensely wealthy in
the next
generation, Edward
had three sons:
Edward died
at the age of 37
and had no children.
George had
already become a
partner in the bank at the time of his brothers ruin. He proved himself
as skilled a banker as his grandfather and, in fact, rose to be
chairman of Coutts and was knighted. Intimidating in manner like his
grandfather, with a booming voice, but generous in nature, he was
regarded as a milch-cow by less fortunate and less able members of he
family. His correspondence is full of appeals for help or thanks for
help given. When he died in 1931, leaving only a daughter Monica, the
entail of Lees was finally broken and the property was sold out of the
family after 224 years. The old house, apart from the central portion,
has been demolished and what remains has been converted into a
comfortable family house, owned now by a scion of the Douglas-Hume
Sinclair Marjoribanks,
Georges younger brother, became Director of Armb-Whitworth, an
important engineering company which developed aircraft engines during
World War I. He was decorated for his wartime services but fell foul of
take-over manoeuvres after the war and died in relatively straitened
circumstances at Corbridge in 1929. His son, Stewart Dudley
Marjoribanks, the father of the current generation, having to make his
way without the training to do so, failed financially but later in life
discovered a talent for teaching, a profession which three of his
children followed with some success. A younger brother, Marmaduke, was
killed in action with the Royal Flying Corps during
the war.
Tweedmouth had three
following the family
tradition, entered politics as a Liberal, was immensely respected, and
became Chief Whip in Gladstones last government. He was elevated to the
House of Lords when he succeeded to his fathers peerage in 1894 and
served as First Lord of the Admiralty in the government of Sir Henry
Campbell-Bannerman. His last years were clouded by tragedy -- personal,
financial and political -- and he died in 1909.
His two
brothers -- Archibald
and Coutts -- sowed their wild oats as cowboys in America, mismanaging
cattle ranches. Coutts went on to manage an apple ranch in British
Columbia owned by his sister lshbel and her husband the Earl of
Aberdeen. Archibald married Elizabeth Brown of Nashville, Tennessee and
returned to Britain where he died in 1 900. (His widow married the
first Viscount Hailsham.) His only son, Edward, departed from family
tradition by entering Parliament as a Conservative. He was a barrister
and the author of several distinguished legal biographies. He
took his own life in 1932.
Churchill Marjoribanks,
the third Lord Tweedmouth, struggled against financial insecurity all
of his life. He served in the Boer War, rising to the rank of major,
and was later lord-in-waiting to both Edward VII and George V. He was
amiable and an excellent shot but had not the capacity to
restore his familys fortunes. (Even his cousin, the wealthy Sir George,
found it impossible to do more than arrange a modest competence for
him.) When he died in 1935, leaving two daughters, the barony became
of Lees is
represented today by John, who lives in Guernsey and has two sons,
Richard and James, five grandchildren, a half-brother Roger, and four
half-sisters. Sadly, his sister Leslia died in 1993, shortly after
completing a most distinguished career as head of Henrietta Barnett
School in North London. Rogers brother Daniel Coutts Marjoribanks, a
naval officer, was killed in an air crash during night-flying at
article is too short to do justice to anything like all the members of
the Lees branch and particularly its women. Several members, however,
will be the subject of separate articles to appear in future issues. I
trust that the shades of those omitted, or possibly treated unfairly,
will forgive me and ascribe all errors to mere ignorance.
The first member of the
known to have appeared in Canada (or British North America as it was
then) was one Thomas Marjoribanks. He is believed to have emigrated
from Scotland to the American colonies in 1733 and, in 1774, after the
War of Independence, moved with other British Loyalists to Digby, Nova
Scotia and, a short time later, to Saint John, New Brunswick where he
and his wife are buried. Nothing more is known about Thomas but, about
forty years later, two Marchbank emigrants arrived from Dumfriesshire.
Marchbank left his
near Annan and, with other colonists, landed first at Miramichi, N.B.
and then moved on in 1825 to settle on lands a few miles north of
Summerside, Prince Edward Island which they named New Annan in memory
of their former home. James called his new 88-acre farm Outermains
after his Dumfriesshire holding. In addition to farming he was a
seafaring man, carrying grains to England. He died at sea but the dates
of his birth and death have been lost. He married (probably in
Scotland) Mary Walker, who was born in 1790 and died in 1875. They had
nine children, five boys and four girls.
The two other sons ventured far
afield, seized by the gold fever that affected thousands of young men
in the middle of the last century. Robert went to Australia to take
part in the gold rush there. Failing to strike it rich, he returned to
Prince Edward Island and took up his fathers trade as a grain shipper
and he too was lost at sea. His brother John sailed around the Horn to
try his luck in the great California gold rush but eventually returned
to the Island, married Jane Johnstone, and founded a mill at DeSable
about thirty-five miles east of New Annan, where he and his wife raised
eight children.
Farming Tradition
of the Marchbanks who
stayed in New Annan became rich but they were successful farmers and
served their neighbours as millers of timber, grain and wool. They were
all faithful Presbyterians, built substantial houses, and raised large
families. Several of the daughters became school teachers; others
married Americans and moved to the United States. Many of the
descendants of the first James Marchbank --too numerous to name --
still farm the same soil.
first of the family to move
from Prince Edward Island to the Canadian west was William Campbell
Marchbank (1884-1973), a greatgrandson of the original James. He
migrated to Saskatchewan in 1915 and he and his wife, Myrtle
Crockett, had four children. One of their sons, Verlin Harry Marchbank
-- known as Lin --was for twenty-four years a member of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police, serving for a time on remote Baffin Island in
the Canadian Arctic, travelling by kayak and dogsled and living, while
on patrol, in snow igloos. There are now numerous Marchbanks in Western
Canada. Verlins brother Eldon lives in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. A
cousin, Owen, is in Shamrock, Saskatchewan. His son Cambell [correct] is
a public servant with the federal government in Ottawa.
other Scot who emigrated to
Canada at about the same time as James Marchbank of Annan was Gabriel
Marchbank. He was born in Dumfriesshire in 1796, in the parish of
Kirkpatrick-Juxta which includes the Marjoribanks ancestral lands. He
died in New Brunswick some time after 1871. He might very well have
crossed the Atlantic with James and stayed behind in New Brunswick when
James moved on to Prince Edward Island. In 1820 he married Euphemia
Carson who was born about 1796 and died in an accident on November 11,
local newspaper gave this account of her death:
Tuesday a melancholy
accident happened in St. Martins. Mrs, Gabriel Marchbank, about 40
years old, going to the well near her house for a pail of water, became
dizzy and fell head foremost in. She was discovered a few minutes
afterward by her husband but when she was extricated from her position,
life was extinct."
and Euphemia are known
to have had at least two sons --William, born in 1822 or 1823 who died
in 1855 and David (1828-1892) --a daughter Elizabeth, who was born
about 1825 and died some time after 1871, and another child
who died in infancy. Gabriel and his second wife, Mary Mosher, had
another son Frank, born about 1856. In 1846 Gabriels daughter Elizabeth
married Charles Richard Achilles, a ship carpenter from Annapolis, Nova
Scotia. Gabriel conducted a very successful shipbuilding business in
St. Martins, about thirty miles from Saint John. The town was settled
by Loyalists who left America for Canada to preserve their British
identity during the War of Independence. More than five hundred sailing
vessels were built there during the 1800s, more than thirty of them by
Gabriel, his sons, and probably his brothers-in-law. One of them, a
barque of 315 tons built in 1845, was named Euphemia for Gabriels first
wife. Others reflected his Scottish heritage: Rob Roy, Robert Burns,
Flora McDonald.
contemporary of Gabriels in St. Martins was David Marchbank, also from
Dumfriesshire. He had two children, David Jr. and a younger daughter
whose name is not recorded. The story is told how David and his wife,
both loyal, old-country Presbyterians, walked thirty miles each way
between St. Martins and Saint John, through deep snow, with the two
heavily bundled children in their arms, so that they could be baptized
by a Presbyterian minister.
nothing more is known about the descendants of Gabriel and David. There
are still many Marchbank families in New Brunswick but research so far
has failed to establish any definite relationship with these two
founding fathers.
Marchbank members of the family have appeared in more recent
years. Marion Marchbanks, born in 1898 and now living in Ottawa, is
descended from a family that lived in Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Her
father, Archibald Marchbank, was born at Buittle in 1851, worked for a
number of years in Latin America, and died in 1918 of Yellow Fever
contracted during a visit to the Panama Canal Zone. Marion was born in
Durango, Mexico where her father was working for a railroad company.
She was employed for a time in the British Embassy in Washington and,
in her later years, moved to Ottawa to be near her niece, Mrs. Rosamond
Sturk, whose mother, Jessie Marchbank, was Marions sister.
grandfather, George Marchbank (1825-1864), was born near Dalbeattie in
Kirkcudbrightshire but her great-grandfather, also named Archibald,
(1793-1 862) emigrated to Scotland from Tipperary in Ireland.
Archibald Marchbank was of the same Kirkcudbrightshire family. He was
the son of Archibalds brother David and emigrated to the Vancouver area
some time before 1929. He served for a number of years as
superintendent of schools and was an avid bridge player and golfer.
When he died in 1991, his ashes were scattered over his
favourite golf course. A sister Dorothy followed him
to Vancouver, met and married an American, and went to live in
Marchbank of Sudbury, Ontario was born in Glasgow in 1952, emigrated in
1969, and is now Chief Executive Officer of Science North, a science
centre in Sudbury. His father, also called James, was born in Moffat,
near the ancestral lands, in 1927 and emigrated with his son to Sudbury
where he died in 1974. James grandfather, William Marchbank, was also
born in Moffat, in 1901, and died there in 1967. James and his wife
Hope have two sons, Stuart and David. Andrew Marchbank, a brother of
James, is in the mining business in Elko, Nevada, and has three sons
and a daughter. Another brother, Michael, lives in Kamloops, British
Columbia and has two daughters.
relatively few Marjoribankses in Canada and most of them belong to two
families, one that had its origins in Greenock, on the Clyde, about
twenty miles east of Glasgow, and the other in Bathgate, formerly the
Marjoribanks barony of Balbardie, half way between Glasgow and
Wilson Marjoribanks (1897-1973) was born in Greenock, the son of John
Marjoribanks who was born in Glasgow in 1865 and married Mary
Calderhead in 1889. John, who owned butcher shops in Greenock and at
one time served as the town provost, thought it expedient for business
reasons to shorten the family name to Banks. William had three brothers:
died during the Allied landing at Gallipoli in World War I, John who
emigrated to New York in the early 1930s, and Alexander who, for a
number of years, managed a sugar plantation in India. William and John
later resumed the name Marjoribanks but Alexander continued to be known
as Banks and his descendants still bear that name.
connection has been discovered between the Marjoribankses of Greenock
and the senior line, but Alexanders daughter Fiona married the chief,
Andrew Marjoribanks of that Ilk, and they now live in Greenock. Johns
descendants live on Long Island, New York.
emigrated to Toronto in 1928 and his wife, Jane Cameron Wylie, and two
sons, Robert Calderhead Marjoribanks (b. 1922) and John (Iain) Wylie
Marjoribanks (b.1925) arrived the following year. Two other children
were born in Toronto: Sheila Daisy Cameron Marjoribanks (1932)
journalist and former editor of Saturday
Canada's oldest
continuously published magazine, married Nancy Pitman of Vancouver and
Prince George, British Columbia in 1952 and they have three children:
Duncan Cameron Marjoribanks, now living in Glendale, California and a
director of film animation; Dr. Robin Stewart Marjoribanks, an
associate professor of Physics at the University of Toronto; and
Catherine Jane Marjoribanks of Toronto, an independent book editor.
Duncan and his wife Karen Schultz have one son, Iain Lawson
Marjoribanks, and Catherine and her husband Mark Askwith have a
daughter Mary Isabel Hopewell Askwith.
William Marjoribanks, of Armb, British Columbia, was born in Bathgate,
although no connection has been discovered between his family and the
Marjoribankses of Balbardie. His father came from Alliwell in Fife and
he has a brother Andrew in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, and a sister,
Rita Marjoribanks Collins, in Witney, Oxfordshire.
emigrated to Canada in 1967 and until his retirement was a co-ordinator
of industrial education. He and his wife Mary Rose have four sons:
David is a ferry-boat captain and he and his wife Helen live in
Squamish; Ian is a sales manager in Prince George and he and his wife
Susan have two children, Ryan, born in 1986 and Chelsea, born in 1989;
Alan lives in Kelowna with his wife Sharon and is a communications
technician; their youngest son, Brian, lives near Kyoto in Japan,
teaches English, and is a bicycle racer and instructor.
Surtees of Kelowna is related by marriage to lshbel Marjoribanks, Lady
Aberdeen. Her husbands mother, also called lshbel, was the daughter of
Hon. Coutts Marjoribanks, Lady Aberdeens younger brother. (See
page 23.) Coutts
helped the Aberdeens manage their ill- fated fruit-growing
enterprise in the Okanagan Valley in the 1890s. Mrs. Surtees is the
director of an historical museum in Kelowna that preserves many
mementos of Lord and Lady Aberdeens sojourn in British
am indebted for much of the above information to James Marchbank, a
great-great-grandson of the original James, who wrote "A History of the
Prince Edward Island Marc hbanks, 1825-1976" while he was a student at
Prince Edward Island University, to Glyn Campbell of Newark,
Nottinghamshire, England, author of "Ploughmen of Carrick," an account
of the Campbell and Marchbank families in Kirkcudbrightshire, and to
several other members of the family who kindly provided me with useful
Squire of Heather Farm
famous, and undoubtedly the richest, member of the Canadian branch of
the family was John William Marchbank (1862-1947). In his early days as
a miner he was known as Peg-Leg Jack but, in later years, as the owner
of a palatial horse-breeding ranch in California, he was respectfully
addressed as Squire John of Heather Farm.
was the
grandson of James Marchbank who left his farm in Annan in Dumfriesshire
and settled near Summerside, Prince Edward Island in 1825. Jacks father
had vainly sought his fortune in the California gold rush and an uncle
had a similar adventure in Australia.
it rich during the Klondike Gold Rush in Canadas Yukon Territory which
began with a discovery in Bonanza Creek in 1861. He acquired his
nickname after losing a leg some years earlier in a mining accident in
Idaho. He had the unique distinction of being the only one-legged man
ever to succeed in crossing the thousand-meter-high Chilkoot Pass on
the border between Alaska and the Yukon, the main entrance through the
coastal mountain range to the gold fields.
clear whether Jack made his money sluicing nuggets out of the creek
beds or by emptying the pockets of his fellow miners who frequented his
several saloons and gambling halls in the Klondike district.
case, he had a real genius for that kind of business and in 1902
removed his talents to San Francisco where he bought one of
the biggest saloons in town and three or four years later
acquired two large gambling clubs in suburban Daly City, just beyond
the effective limits of San Franciscos anti-gambling laws. Daly City,
because of its advantageous location, was known as the gambling capital
of northern California and was nicknamed "The Cicero of the West,"
after the notorious Chicago suburb that was the headquarters of the
countrys most infamous gangsters. Jacks gambling properties included
The Northern, just two blocks from the city hall, and Villa San Mateo,
noted for its luxurious appointments, including
a fireplace built of inlaid champagne bottles.
same supreme self-assurance with which his kinsmen presided over their
Scottish baronies, Jack Marchbank reigned for thirty years as the
political boss, not only of Daly City, but of the whole of Mateo
Blum, writing in the San Francisco Examiner, described him in these
big man
with a pink, cherubic face, cold blue eyes and a black silk skull cap
perched on his bald head, Marchbanks (sic) sat
in his office at the high-walled Northern delivering orders, pulling
strings and, from time to time, twirling a large .45 revolver before
reluctant subordinates -- a weapon which, ironically, no one ever saw
him use."
consolidated his grip on the gambling business in 1928 by buying, for
some $275,000, San Franciscos Tanforan Race Track. He and his partners
devised a complicated system to evade the California laws that
prohibited betting on horse races. You didnt place bets; instead, for a
few dollars, you bought an option to purchase a horse. If it won, the
owner then bought the option back from you at an increased price.
1920 he
had purchased the 255-acre Sulphur Spring Ranch, a former spa,
which he renamed Heather Farm in memory of his Scottish antecedents
--although there is never a sprig of heather known to have grown in
California. He spent a million dollars building a Spanish-style
mansion, stabling for as many as seventy-five horses, paddocks, barns
and an oval track. He piped the sulphur spring to a fountain that rose
in the middle of a five-acre lake, for the exclusive benefit of his
because of the health-enhancing properties of the water or for other
reasons, his thoroughbreds were extremely successful and his
green-and-white colours were a common sight in the winners circle
throughout the United States and Canada. Heather Farm became the most
famous horse-breeding enterprise outside of Kentucky.
the time
of his death in 1947, Jack Marchbank, the one-legged miner from DeSable
on Prince Edward Island, had outlived his notoriety and, having
acquired all the trappings of landed gentry, was known affectionately
by his neighbours as Squire John.
left his
millions to his secretary, Bernadette Jones, whom he married a few
months before his death.
members of the family played a distinguished part in the American Civil
War that was fought from 1861 to 1865 between eleven southern states
which withdrew from the Union and formed the short-lived Confederate
States of America and the Union government, supported by the remaining
the war was fought to free the slaves who were an important element in
the economy of the South but it had far-reaching implications regarding
the nature of the Union and the relationship between the states and the
federal government. It ended on May 26, 1865 with the surrender of the
last of the Southern forces. Members of the family fought gallantly and
with distinction, usually in the Southern cause.
months of research, information has come to light about a Marchbank
family -- a father and two sons -- whose military adventures earned
them the admiration of their southern comrades and fear and contempt
among their northern enemies.
Oldshue who is the archivist and a professor of history at the
University of Alabama and a descendant of George Marjoribanks, the old
Jacobite who was captured and transported to Virginia in
1715, (See The
Marjoribanks Journal No.
2, "The American Dimension.") discovered many references in Northern
military dispatches to the activities in Missouri and Kansas of a
certain Captain Marchbanks. Northern scouts reported Marchbanks every
movement: he was seen passing a certain village; he had attacked this
town; he was camped with so many men on the banks of this creek or
Lynde of the Ninth Kansas Cavalry, for instance, reports in May, 1863
that he encountered "a gang of bushwhackers (An American
expression used generally to describe a backwoodsman but, in a military
sense, a guerrilla, someone who fights in or attacks from the cover of
the bush.) under Jackman (Col. Sidney D. Jackman
early in the war headed small groups of irregular troops which harassed
the Union forces in Missouri. ) and Marchbanks," and
killed seven of them, the rest having fled.
Bazel F. Lazear of the First Missouri State Cavalry reports in
September of the same year that his forces "surprised Marchbanks" and
captured horses, guns and other equipment as well as "Marchbanks
private papers."
Brigadier-General E.B. Brown says he has learned that "Jackman,
Marchbanks and Quantrill are in the border counties." In May of the
following year Captain EP. Elmer, commanding the Union forces at
Johnstown, sends a dispatch to headquarters saying: "It is reported
that Marchbanks is near Pleasant Gap with a force of 60 to 100 men. I
start immediately to that point with all the force that can be spared."
In July, in spite of Capt. Elmers efforts, Marchbanks is still at
large. Col. Charles W. Blair at Fort Scott, Kansas says Marchbanks is
in the neighbourhood "gathering up recruits for the rebel
account of the raiders actions is provided in a letter written on 28
May, 1864 by Mr. Nathan Bray to Brigadier-General Sandborn, the officer
commanding the military district of southwest Missouri:
Sir: I have the honour to inform you that the town of Lamar is in
ashes. The bushwhackers under Taylor (This Taylor whose name
is frequently associated with Marchbanks has not been identified),
Marchbanks and Co. entered the town at 2 oclock on the morning of the
28th instant and burnt nearly every house in the place, together with
most of the household goods, &c. All the books and records of
the county were again burnt. The women and children were sitting
outdoors trying to take care of what they had saved until help could be
sent . . .. The people will be compelled to go to Kansas or elsewhere
where they can have the protection that loyal citizens deserve."
of the same year, Taylor and Marchbanks were encountered near Baxter
Springs by Union scouts who reported that they "completely routed the
enemy, killing some 5 or 6 and wounding several others." At about the
same time another Union scouting party came upon a band of nineteen
raiders on Clear Creek, two of whom were shot and some others wounded.
One of the wounded was "Bob Marchbanks."
dispatch sent on March 10, 1865, a few weeks before the end of the war,
it becomes apparent for the first time that there is more than one
Marchbanks involved in the raids. Col. Charles W. Blair,
commanding officer of the Fourteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry
at Fort Scott, Kansas, writes to the Deputy Provost-Marshal at
Brownsville, Nebraska:
young Marchbanks are the worst sort of bushwhackers. The old man is
not. Bill Marchbanks is as bad as Quantrill . . . Please arrest all but
the old man and, if possible, send here. Descriptions sent by mail.
Iron them heavily, as no guard house will hold them."
many of
the Union army dispatches Capt. Marchbanks name is associated with that
of Quantrill -- William Clarke Quantrill who has been described by one
historian as "the bloodiest man in American history." A guerrilla
leader in the Southern forces his best-known exploit was the attack on
Lawrence, Kansas in August 1862 in which he is said to have killed one
hundred and fifty men, the entire male population of the community. He
was wounded in the final days of of the war and died a prisoner on June
6, 1965. (He is said to have left $500 in gold to his wife Kate who
used the inheritance to open a bawdy house in St.Louis.)
members of Quantrills band at various times were Frank James. the older
brother of Jesse James, perhaps the most notorious outlaw of the
American "Wild West," and the four Younger brothers who, along with the
Jameses, pursued a murderous post-war career as bandits and train
point it was clear that there were at least three Marchbankses among
the raiders, one of whom was named Bob, but their full names
and their connection with the rest of the family were not known.
produced from the Western Historical Manuscript Collection of the
University of Missouri at Columbia copies of petitions addressed to the
Governor of Missouri and signed by residents of Vernon County asking
for protection against "lawless God-forsaken bandits, murderers, house
burners, robbers and horse thieves" from Kansas who were laying waste
the border counties. Among those signing the petition were three who
signed themselves R.N. (or N.R.) Marchbank (sic), Win. Marchbanks and
Robert Marchbanks.
known that these Marchbankses lived in Overton County, Missouri shortly
before the war and that residents of the county bly sympathized with
the Southern cause. An examination of the history of the county
produced more information, particularly an historical article published
in the Nevada (Missouri) Herald in 1963. It describes how Vernon County
formed bushwhacking gangs to oppose the occupying Union forces.
time, Vernon Countys most notable bushwhacker was Captain William
Marchbanks, stern-hearted but upstanding and a highly respected
early-day settler," according to the newspaper. The article, based on
an account by local historian R.L. Holcombe, tells how Capt. Marchbanks
with nineteen of his best men were camped on the south side of the
Marmaton River near Big Drywood Creek on 24 May,
1863 when they learned of the approach of Major A.J. Pugh of the Union
army with a half-dozen militiamen. Marchbanks and his men followed them
into the town of Nevada, Missouri.
stealthily through the timber, the bushwhackers moved in suddenly at
the southwest corner of the square, shouting and firing. The
militiamen, who had stopped to rest at a brick hotel on the square,
scattered and all but two escaped. One, an old man named Shuey,
'dismounted, unarmed and terror-stricken was shot down . . . Another,
named Whitley, was chased to the northeast edge of town and shot out of
his saddle by Marchbanks."
of the two militiamen did not go unavenged. The following day about a
hundred well armed and mounted militiamen under the command of Capt.
Anderson Morton set out to hunt Marchbanks down. Capt. Morton gave
orders to enter the town and to slay without mercy every bushwhacker
that was found. As it turned out, no bushwhackers were found but every
building big enough to give them shelter was burned.
was now
clear that the Marchbanks who was chased like a will-of-the-wisp
through the Missouri bush was, in fact, Capt. William Marchbanks, the
stern-hearted champion of Vernon County. Dr. Oldshue then procured from
the State Historical Society of Missouri a history of the county
written in 1887. It records that Capt. William Marchbanks was born in
Overton County, Tennessee 26 August, 1834 and moved to Vernon
Missouri in 1841 with his father, N.R. Marchbanks. After describing his
various "skirmishes" against the Union forces during the war, the
unknown author states, in Capt. Marchbanks defence: "Though he fought
as a bushwhacker, it is said of him that he never murdered a prisoner
or a private citizen." At the time this history was written, Capt.
Marchbanks was residing near Paris, Texas, "a quiet, reputable
Marchbanks of Arlington, Texas helped put the last pieces of the puzzle
together. He provided a genealogical chart tracing his own ancestry
back to Nathaniel Ridley Marchbanks (1806-1872), the father of Capt.
William and of Williams brother Robert. Other family records show that
Nathaniel was the great-great-grandson of George Marjoribanks (later
Marchbanks) the exiled Jacobite and principal founder of the family in
now know
that when Col. Blair of the Fourteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry wrote
about "the two young Marchbanks" who were "the worst sort of
bushwhackers" he was talking about Capt. William and his brother
Robert, the "Bob" Marchbanks who was wounded at Clear Creek in August
of 1864. The "old man" whom Col. Blair found less offensive than his
sons was, of course, Nathaniel Ridley Marchbanks, the
great-greatgrandfather of Lewis Marchbanks of Arlington, Texas.
& Queries
Marjoribanks of Cessnock, Australia and other members of his family are
anxious to obtain details about his grandfather Robert who may have
married Jessie Walker and died shortly before 1895. He is thought to
have been a railway engine driver or perhaps, more generally, an
engineer employed by the railway. His widow went to live in Broxburn,
West Lothian with her two young sons, Robert Alexander and John Walker,
born about 1883 and 1886, and probably remarried. Robert Alexander
married and had a daughter who died in infancy. Both boys emigrated to
Australia shortly before World War I and have numerous descendants,
concentrated around Newcastle, New South Wales. Intensive search has
failed to trace any record of Roberts birth, marriage or death in
either England or Scotland. Nor is there any record of the birth of
either of the boys. The lack of records suggests that all three may
well have been illegitimate. On the rather flimsy evidence of a
likeness in a photograph it has been suggested that Robert may have
been an illegitimate son of Alexander Marjoribanks of Balbardie and of
that Ilk.
* *
descendants of James Marchbank who emigrated to Prince Edward Island in
Canada from Annan in Dumfriesshire in 1825 (see
page 23) would
like to
know the dates of his birth and death and any information about his
antecedents in Scotland. He is known to have lived on a farm
near Annan called "Outermains." The
Genealogical and Historical Committee would
also like to hear from any descendants of the shipbuilder Gabriel
Marchbank who was born in the parish of Kirkpatrick-Juxta in
Dumfriesshire in 1796 and died in New Brunswick, Canada, some time
after 1871. (See
* *
Marchbank of Bergenfield, New Jersey, is
seeking information about his ancestors, Samuel Marjoribanks and his
wife Janet Aitken, who lived in Kirkmichael, Dumfriesshire early in the
18th century. Their son, also named Samuel (1777-1857), Alecs
great-great-great grandfather, called himself Marchbank, worked as a
joiner in Moffat, and was married to Marjory (or Marion)
* *
members of the family would
be most interested in any information anyone can provide about the
antecedents of William Marjoribanks (known in the family as The Old
Jacobite) who was captured at the battle of Preston in the uprising of
1715 and transported aboard the ship Elizabeth and Anne from Liverpool
to York in Virginia, where he changed the spelling of his name to
Marchbanks. It is thought that he might be connected with the
Marjoribankses of Balbardie but no useful records have been
you would like help in tracing your ancestors, or if you have
historical or genealogical information that might be of interest to
others, please write to the editor:
Gosden Hill Road
Surrey GU4 7JB